Facebook to let’s teens share with larger audience

Now facebook is allowing youngsters to share their posts on the social network with anyone on the Internet, increasing the risks of smalls leaving a digital trail that could direct to trouble.

The change announced affects Facebook users who list their ages as 13 to 17. Until currently, Facebook users falling within that age group had been limited to sharing information & photos only with their own friends or friends of those friends.

The new policy will provide teens the option of switching their settings so their posts can be accessible to the general public. That option already has been available to adults, including users who are 18 or 19. The original privacy settings of teens under 18 will automatically be set so posts are seen only by friends. That’s more preventive than the earlier default setting that permitted teens to distribute their posts to friends of their friends in the network.

Facebook chatting

Facebook said it decided to modify its privacy rules to create its service more enjoyable for teens & to provide them with a more powerful megaphone when they believe they have an important point to make or a cause to support.

The relaxed standards also may encourage teens to use more time on Facebook instead of other services, like a Snapchat, that are becoming more accepted hangouts between younger people. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, though, says that the company’s interior data shows its social network remains a attraction for teens.

Giving people more causes to usually call its social network is important to Facebook because a bigger audience helps advertise more of the ads that produce most of the Menlo Park, California, company’s income.

Facebook hasn’t unveiled how many of its almost 1.2 billon users are teens. The social network was firstly limited to college guys when Zuckerberg started it in 2004, but he unlocked the service to a broader audience within a few years. The teen audience is big enough to provide Facebook periodic headaches. As its social network has progressively expanded, Facebook has had to battle sexual predators & bullies who prey upon children.

Facebook doesn’t permit children under 13 to set up accounts on its service but doesn’t have a reliable method to confirm users’ ages.

Facebook Testing New Single Column Timeline design

Facebook is going to change something on their site so be ready for another change to your Facebook profile, Timeline could soon be getting a makeover. FB is testing a new design for user profile pages which places all the posts in a single column on the left side of your profile, while activity updates, places, apps, friends and other activities are on the right side of profile.

Facebook decided it for their users, because WhenTimeline was first introduced with users than it prompted mixed reviews from users, with some users hating this change. If we see current format of FB, a two-column layout that includes posts on both sides, forcing users to look back and forth and When Timeline rolled out site-wide last December, that time, many complained that it was confusing and people didn’t like it.

Facebook New Single Column Timeline design
Facebook New Single Column Timeline design

Facebook created One Facebook page, name is “I hate FB Timeline, and want to disable it ASAP”, this page was started shortly after its launch, and now if see it has nearly 26,000 likes. So face book decided to makeover FB profile.

In new facebook profile, timeline format, removing the line separating the columns. The right hand column keeps the existing boxes like Friends, Recent Activity, Photos and Likes, as well as any app activity displayed by users and much more. But with the new design of FB, the boxes are a smaller size than posts. Below those boxes, the test design features only whitespace where the current design would display more posts. FB is testing it with a small percentage of users, it told Inside Facebook.